Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Small fish with big teeth

I was eating some pudding today and starting thinking about what would happen if pudding committed suicide. Would the flavor be affected? Would we even know? Would pudding family come and visit in the fridge unbenownst to us betwixt the hours of one and three am? Are pudding eulogies delivered in old timey English? Like: "Here be thou rested thine bowl of trembling pudding of the clouds. Let forth now thine song of mourning for beneath the row of pudding grass grows methink a tender skin?" Or would the puddings just swear a bunch and smoke a bunch of cigarettes? Maybe kick the celery in the ribs when no one else is looking?


Blogger Travis Payne said...

They would get tossed and have a old irish wake.

6:31 PM  
Blogger Travis Payne said...

They would get lit on whiskey and other things... eh I fprgot my idea I'll just sign off now.

7:07 PM  
Blogger Andrew Najberg said...

Hmm...Irish pudding...intriguing...

5:48 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

Ummmmmmmmm. Yes. I'm pretty sure they would swear and smoke cigarettes, the cigarette tremblind and smoldering upright in the middle of the pudding cup.

On a side note, have you read "The Brief and Terrible Reign of Phil" by George Saunders? You should, since it sort of reminds me of you. That is, it is impossibly strange and funny.

11:41 AM  
Blogger Andrew Najberg said...

No I haven't read that - which collection is it in?

Also - I agree with your notion of the orientation of the pudding cigarette, except when they flick the ash.

5:11 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

It's not in a collection, it's a new short novel with illustrations!

6:04 PM  
Blogger Andrew Najberg said...

woah! holy crap!

Now when you say illustrations - do you mean actual illustrations or Waller story type illustrations?

9:30 PM  

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