Monday, July 04, 2005

The Narrowing Road of Passing Years

It's a sad thing to realize that you might not be able to achieve one of your life goals. Some people want to be president when there might only be twenty people in a life time who serve as president (those who want to be president can improve their odds by not limiting themselves to the presidency of a specific country). Some people want to fly beyond our orbit, but might find themselves frustrated about the stagnation of space exploration. I myself dreamed, hoped, prayed, and wished that I would become a lava monster, and over the last few years I have had to reconcile myself with the fact that I become older and older it is less and less likely that I will either turn out to have been made of lava all along or to transform into a lava creature during some sort of geological-igneo puberty. Furthermore, it doesn't matter how much support I might get from friends and family about any effort I make to become a lava monster, and it is even irrelevant whether or not I'd be the best lava monster that ever was. I can't take courses on how to withstand temperatures in excess of three thousand degrees farenheit. I can't I order an Idiot's Guide to Becoming a Lava Monster. I don't even know the first thing about erupting. I simply don't have what it takes to become a lava monster, and that is a body made of lava.


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