Monday, July 11, 2005

Here is a picture of a daddy long legs spider dragging a firefly up a light switch. I hope your satisfied. Son of a bitch.


Blogger Andrew said...

isn't it fantastic that we both coincidentally happened to post pictures of spiders on the same day? i think that's fantastic.

7:41 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

That is a way cool photograph.

Though I must say that that looks like a Harvestman, which is commonly called a daddy long legs, which is not actually a spider, as its thorax and abdomen are fused. Interestingly, they are usually thought of as spiders, but are neither spider nor insect, but classified as arthropods. Of course, post the picture as, "here is a picture of a harvestman..." and no one will know what the heck you're talking about, so even if you know, you still call it a daddy long legs spider. There's no escape. Long live the Harvestman!

10:04 PM  
Blogger Andrew Najberg said...

Although I knew that this fella was not actually a spider, I did not actually know what it was Harvestman or that it was an arthropod.

I have now gained some of the missing knowledge that was leaving a gaping whole in my soul.

Sweet soul-hole filling...mmm....

9:24 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

Well, but you still have to call it a daddy long legs or people will ridicule you. "Harvestman? wtf? You smell like dooky pond." So the information you have gained must be locked inside, where it will turn into alternative genitalia in a cocoon.

10:36 AM  

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