They're coming
I remember a time, perhaps in the eighties or something when your average everyday Joe could walk out of an eating establishment and find the peaceful chirpings of birds ringing across the parking lot, parking spaces empty as far as the eye can see.

So naturally, I was up for quite a shock when I was exited Cracker Barrel to discover that the men in the red trucks had come. Clearly, no one is safe anymore. I have yet to ascertain their purpose in arriving, but a...murder of red trucks with strange yellow ladders. Most frightening was that the drivers and crews were no where to be seen. What were they up to? What plans where they hatching? I took several surveilance shots, but to little avail. The
only thing I was able to confirm was that I was looking at a whole sleiu of mysteries red trucks.
More on this to be sure, but I leave you all with the following questions: When will they execute their plan? Is their's a mission of benevolance, destruction, or subterfuge? Is their base of operations sub-terraneun, sub-aquatic, or based somewhere beyond the gray-silver clouds in the sky? What wisdom do they have to offer or what knowledge can we steal from them? Are they simply a mass of construction trucks? Perhaps we will never k
now, but my money says one day their plot will be hatched and little yellow chickens of destruction, the same yellow as the ladders, will spring forth and devour the snakes of goodstanding and blind the watchfullness of the ever unblinking eye of our great sun. Praise Amon Ra, glory to the sun-God.

So naturally, I was up for quite a shock when I was exited Cracker Barrel to discover that the men in the red trucks had come. Clearly, no one is safe anymore. I have yet to ascertain their purpose in arriving, but a...murder of red trucks with strange yellow ladders. Most frightening was that the drivers and crews were no where to be seen. What were they up to? What plans where they hatching? I took several surveilance shots, but to little avail. The

More on this to be sure, but I leave you all with the following questions: When will they execute their plan? Is their's a mission of benevolance, destruction, or subterfuge? Is their base of operations sub-terraneun, sub-aquatic, or based somewhere beyond the gray-silver clouds in the sky? What wisdom do they have to offer or what knowledge can we steal from them? Are they simply a mass of construction trucks? Perhaps we will never k