Monday, January 23, 2006

Fishhead Hiatus II

Phew. Been too busy to post lately, trying to get in gear for the semester and recording vocals for my album - which is going totally sweet in my opinion - on both accounts. So far this semester I've taught Tim O'Briens' "The Things They Carry," Don Dellilo's "Videotape," and Donald Barthelme's "Game." Wednsday we do "Glass Mountain" and Aimee Bender's "The Rememberer," and Friday is George Saunders "My Flamboyant Grandson," and Bender's "Marzipan." Later on we've got Adam Johnson "Trauma Plate," and Michael Knight's "Killing Stonewall Jackson." Plus movies and music, it's been quite rocking. I'm teaching what I want to be reading. Woo. Hoo.

Otherwise, I'm trying to figure out how to start posting songs to this blog so I can compete with Michael. Oh yeah. Except that mine aren't really funny songs, except maybe on accident.

That's all for know. My brain is teetering towards shutdown.

Oh, and for anyone interested there is a new story up on Boatload of Fools.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

So this is what 2006 feels like...

Like yogurt with a rapidly fluxuating temperature.
Like a moth in that yogurt turning into a cherry blossom.
Like a caterpillar eating the cherry blossom that the moth turned into.
Like the caterpillar turning into the moth that turned into a cherry blossom that the caterpillar just ate.
Like the caterpillar vomitting itself back up in the form of half-digested cherry blossom.
Like the yogurt suddenly enveloping it all and rapidly fluxuating in temperature.
Then a cat comes along and laps up all the yogurt.
Later, the cat's digestive system extracts the moisture from the yogurt and passes the moisture through the renal system. Though some of the moisture is filtered and incorporated into the cat's internal systems, most of it passes on to the bladder and is later excreted onto a tree.
That excretion is part of a territorial war between a band of gray tabbies and a trio of siamese who are trying to muscle in on the tabby action. Eventually, the leader of the siamese, a seal-point tough-cat named Tango loses an eye to the claws of a young and ambitious siamese named Lufta. Although Lufta is killed in the altercation, Tango is never able to match his prior abilities and is brought down in an ambush at Sardine Alley. Ultimately the gray tabbies succeed in repelling the siamese who fall into disorder without their beloved leader.

I hope this helps to clear up what 2006 feels like.

And now, a moment of silence for the memory of Tango.