Saturday, May 27, 2006

Attention! Important Question!

So I was watching futurama a few minutes ago, and it was the episode where Dr. Zoidberg wants to attend his species' mating frenzy. Early in the episode, before the plot kicks in, the crew decides to go to the gym because Fry and Bender are getting really fat. Here's the cool thing: The gym they go to is called.... "NNY" - could this be a reference to Johnny the Homicidal Mainiac? After all, it IS in the gym that Zoidberg becomes a homicidal maniac. I just thought it was kind of neat because you don't see possible JTHM references too often in popular media.

Friday, May 19, 2006

And ye unto me came the weevils and the weevils were good with butter.

This post marketh the celebratory occasion of my bestowment upon myself of a neweth laptop computer with wireless capability. Now I can access the internet and many new places and create new posts just as infrequently. Hallelujah.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Who ate the squirrel?
we did, we did.
Who made it twirl?
we did, we did.
Who got the acorn?
we did, we did
showed that little
bastard who got
the nuts, stuffed him
through our lips
and crunched our
teeth into his tiny
skull case. Who
ate the squirrel.
Who ate the squirrel.