Monday, February 27, 2006

New Link!

I have just added a link to McSweeney's page of lists.

Michael. You must submit to this.

Ryan. You must submit to this.

Also, look and see the other cool things they've got posted on other parts of the page.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Not Coming Soon: Chihuahua - The True Hollywood Story

The story behind the dog. The lies, the hidden truths and buried bones. A tale of sadness and regret and kibble. Discover once and for all who really peed on the rug and unwravel the mystery of why dogs love to sniff each other in the...

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Transparent Fish

A wise tadpole once said, "A wise tadpole once said."

On that fine autumn morn, my head was swimming with questions. Why was that tadpole speaking in incomplete sentences? Why was what the tadpole said simply a lead in to a description of what it was saying? Or was the wise tadpole the wise tadpole referred to a completely seperate tadpole? What if this tadpole wasn't wise at all, but simply had built a false reputation of its own intellect by repeating the sayings of other wise tadpoles.

The thought struck me that maybe this situation was much like that evening in the chinese restaurant when I say surrounded by the remains of General Tso's Chicken, a plate scattered with fried rice grains, and a half-eaten bowl of hot and sour soup. I cracked open my fortune cookie and I discovered that my fortune read, "I discovered that my fortune read."

Perhaps these things are coincidence like those two pigeons from Oxnard flying into the same window in Pittsburgh three years apart, or maybe this is like the convergence of two river of sand.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day to All!

No message. Just liver.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Cough, cough, Hack

Sick. Some wonky damned chest infection thats swarming UT campus. One of those irritating things that just won't go away despite the best efforts of Theraflu. Will switch to Nyquil (sp?) tonight. See if that helps, or at least makes me sleep better than this fever has been letting me. Will post when better. New story coming to Boatloadoffools when better. Hopefully this weekend. Otherwise, things good.

Oh, and happy Groundhog's Day Eve. May the rodents rule supreme on the morrow.