Wednesday, December 21, 2005

An Important Bulletin

It has come to my attention that recently this blog has begun to display things that resemble actual news of what is going on in my life. Entries have become curiously factual. I have yet to discover the root of this dilemma, but I promise that the responsible party will be brought forth into the light and placed under interrogation immediately. Motives will be exposed. Truth silenced. Then everyone will sit down and eat ham and cheese sandwiches that have been fried in a pan with lots of butter. And chips on the side. Gotta have chips. Maybe a beer, or maybe just a nice can of yellow soda. Perhaps a Coke. You never know. Kind of depends upon the mood I guess. Like mood rings don't. Or like cubic blocks of glass. Those fickle cubic glass blocks, always trying to pull one over on us with their transparency. That's why we need to get to the bottom of this. So we can put cubic blocks of glass over our eyes and pretend that we're looking through them at ham and cheese sandwiches. Thank you. That is all.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

It is done. Finally.

The final exam papers have been carried through the wastes of Mordor and flung into the fires of mount doom. All that is left is their memory in the form of elvish songs that look mysteriously like letter grades. The task is done. Once the grades are reported, I can rest. And play videogames. And sleep. Oh, there will be sooooo much sleep. Mmm...sleep...I can taste it now.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Almost over...

Collected the last batch of final papers today, except those who mysteriously thought it best not to turn them in...not so sure how that seems like a good idea since the final paper is 20%, but, to quote O Brother Where Art Though (and maybe the Odyssey), "It is a fool who looks for logic in the chambers of the human heart." Now I just must grade them all and submit the final grades, and 'lo I shall rest and be merry like a fruit under a tree before the flies get to it and they lay their eggs under the skin and the fruit gets all squishy and then you step on it and say "hey that was a moldy fruit I just stepped on dagnabbit!" Just like that. Oh yeah. Moldy fruit, here I come.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Ice bullets

Something kind of cool that happened today: I painted a closet this afternoon (not the cool part). When I was done, I went outside to clean the paint brush. I turned on the garden hose and no water came out, but I could hear the water pressure from the spigot. I sat there and waited a bit, and eventually this little jet trickle sprayed out the end. I figured (correctly) that the hose must have frozen since its been so friggin cold, but I started to rinse the brush with the little bit of water I was getting. Suddenly, I felt a surge in the hose, followed by another and another. It took me a second to realize what was happening, but before I knew it, I was shooting sharp icycles out of the hose across the yard, where they shattered against the fence. This went on for several minutes and was quite satisfying. Like I said, nothing amazing, but it was definately kind of cool. Oh well. That is all. Return to your lives.

Monday, December 05, 2005


Ten minutes ago, I completed my final lecture of the semester. I now have an official eight day break from teaching until final papers come in, and then I have a full month of doing nothing to look forward to - and by doing nothing, I of course mean writing music, playing civilization IV, chess on my cell-phone and catching up on some reading. And lots and lots of sleeping. Oh yeah, the sleep will come in a plenty. Woo hoo!