Sunday, July 17, 2005

Fishhead Hiatus

La di dah, I'm leaving for Europe tomorrow morning. Tune in again Alchemists in two weeks for a possible series of pictures, and certainly some account of my adventures in addition to the usual blathering, tomfoolery, inanity, and yabbering. Perhaps there will be several pages dedicated to ducks. Maybe I'll post a sonnet in the form of a cardboard box that I keep in my closet. The box is full of CD cases, I think. Tell you the truth, I'm not really that sure. I'm starting to accumulate boxes full of stuff like snow fall in New Hampshire. MMM...Stuff drifts...

Woo. Hoo. Toodaloo.

And now a word from our sponsor - pants.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Boom Boom, Bam, Chomp Chomp Chomp

Kablam! I have finished the first five chapters of my book! I'm up to a total number of 150 pages (bear in mind the 1st 5 chapters can also be the first 20 chapters depending on how you look at it).

Here is an excerpt from Chapter 4:

"Naturally, when Garrison woke up bleeding and ejaculating that morning, he had been dreaming about picking his nose while fucking the only woman he’d ever told about it. In the background of the dream, a small, black and white TV set was playing the DVD of The Ten Commandments. Nolan Ryan was in the dream too, wearing his old Astros uniform and giving tips about sexual performance, talking about changing teams from Houston to Arlington, and suggesting a split-fingered technique for nose-picking."

Skootch Skootch Skootch! The book's flying along now! I'm also almost finished with Chapters 6 and 7 because I wrote parts of them while I got stuck on Chapter 5! Not that this means anything to anyone, but damn I'm excited!


Monday, July 11, 2005

Here is a picture of a daddy long legs spider dragging a firefly up a light switch. I hope your satisfied. Son of a bitch.


Today is a gray and rainy day,
the first in a succession
of gray and rainy days
so says the weatherman.
When the droplets fall fine and fast,
the world is static snow
and the streets glisten
while the clouds filter
and shift the light.
Just as the cars in traffic
transform into identical streaks
when played back in time-lapse,
the excess of motion
outside becomes a stillness
like the moment of realizing
that one is in love
or one is not in love.
There is always water in any given spot
even though it is not the same water
from moment to moment.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

For those of you who tuned in last time:

I am still not a lava monster. Sorry, there is still no progress in the waiting list for lava related party performances or village destructions.

In other news, Ben's fourth of July party was quite exquisite. There were burgers. There were hot dogs. The ice cream melted in the cooler, but it was there too, man. There was even tons of beer and this crazy tofu curry with day lilies in it. Eating flowers under the twilight sky is almost as fun as blowing things up. There was plenty of that too. Ben and Amir bought two mortars, so we had some real professional quality fireworks. I brought some stuff too, as did Seth of the Seth and Stephanie connection. Many a roman candle shooting contest was held. James and I practiced some archery in the dark. A fire was built. A lady brought a dog who wasn't afraid of nothing, least of all the endless explosions going off all around it. No one walked through plate glass. It was a good night.

Monday, July 04, 2005

The Narrowing Road of Passing Years

It's a sad thing to realize that you might not be able to achieve one of your life goals. Some people want to be president when there might only be twenty people in a life time who serve as president (those who want to be president can improve their odds by not limiting themselves to the presidency of a specific country). Some people want to fly beyond our orbit, but might find themselves frustrated about the stagnation of space exploration. I myself dreamed, hoped, prayed, and wished that I would become a lava monster, and over the last few years I have had to reconcile myself with the fact that I become older and older it is less and less likely that I will either turn out to have been made of lava all along or to transform into a lava creature during some sort of geological-igneo puberty. Furthermore, it doesn't matter how much support I might get from friends and family about any effort I make to become a lava monster, and it is even irrelevant whether or not I'd be the best lava monster that ever was. I can't take courses on how to withstand temperatures in excess of three thousand degrees farenheit. I can't I order an Idiot's Guide to Becoming a Lava Monster. I don't even know the first thing about erupting. I simply don't have what it takes to become a lava monster, and that is a body made of lava.